What is SCOPE?
SCOPE (Seeking Careers, Opportunities, Possibilities, and Education) is Northstar’s family organized volunteer group. It is a way for families to be actively involved with our school.
What does SCOPE do?
In coordination with school administration, SCOPE plans, supports, and implements activities for our students, staff, and families in order to bring fun events on campus. In the past, SCOPE has worked to provide activities like:
- Ice cream truck on campus
- Inflatable for our Homecoming event
- Breakfast for teachers during Staff Appreciation Week
- Reception for seniors at graduation
- Supplemented the Senior Scholarship Fund
- …and more!
How can I support SCOPE?
All of these “extras” help provide a well-rounded school experience and costs SCOPE approximately $45 per student.
SCOPE is entirely self-funded and does not receive funding from the school or carry a balance of funds from year-to-year. We rely on your donations as our primary source of funding. You have the capability to fill your student’s school year with awesome events – in other words, you get out what you put in!
How do I make a SCOPE donation?
We thank you and appreciate your SCOPE donation! To make a donation you can donate online, send a check with your student, or send a check in the mail:
11501 Nuckols Road
Glen Allen, VA 23059
Checks can be made payable to Northstar and write SCOPE DONATION on the memo line.
Please note that donations to SCOPE are not considered part of the school’s Annual Fund drive; however, your donation is fully tax-deductible.
Want to be part of the magic?
Help us make your student’s school year a memorable one by volunteering your time and talent! To volunteer for SCOPE or to learn more about getting involved with Northstar, please reach out to Wanda Ramsey, Assistant Head of School below.