It starts with a plan.
In the event of an emergency or unplanned change of schedule, Northstar uses ConnectEd to keep parents informed. This platform is also used to announce school closings for inclement weather. Families will receive these alerts via phone, text message, and email.
In keeping with Virginia law, Northstar holds monthly fire drills and practices procedures for other types of emergencies (tornado, lockdown, etc.) on a regular basis.
This helps to ensure that in the event of an emergency or unplanned change of schedule, our staff and students are well prepared in how to react. Often, Northstar drills are conducted in a sensory-friendly manner, being sensitive to the needs of students.
Northstar acts in accordance with its Crisis Management Plan, which has been created and reviewed yearly by the Crisis Management Team.
To stay up-to-date with school safety, security, and crisis management, Northstar maintains relationships with local first responders and experts in the field.
If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Northstar’s Crisis Management Plan, please contact us at 804.747.1003.